
Expand your Discography

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Empowering Your Music Journey

Explore a world of possibilities for your music with EAR. From distribution to production, we're here to support every note of your musical adventure. Discover how we can amplify your sound.


Global Reach, Local Touch

Distribute your music effortlessly with EAR Distro. We partner with industry leaders like Symphonic and Too Lost to ensure your music reaches audiences worldwide. Expand your reach today.

Take your music global with EAR Distro.


Sonic Brilliance, Perfected

Achieve audio excellence with EAR Mix and EAR Master. Whether you work directly with our talented partners or through our services, we're here to refine your sound to its full potential. Elevate your music now.

Perfect your sound with EAR Mix and Master.


Crafting Sonic Magic

Dive into the art of music creation with a dedicated music producer. Collaborate directly with our partnered producer "diet lemon" or explore our production services. Unleash your creative genius today.

Create sonic magic today.