Elton Audio Records, Generation Wavy, and Mad Dragon Music Group present ‘Virtual Vibe’: An Online Music Festival

With the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting the world’s everyday functions, live concerts and music festivals have been put to a halt just when they were reaching their peak. Following the live music industry’s success in 2019, the overall music industry has taken a huge hit. Social distancing regulations prevent artists and fans from interacting with each other through in-person events, and artists are unable to access recording facilities to create new music. This has had a heavy impact on musical culture and people’s emotions, as many are feeling hopeless and depressed during this period of self-isolation. While we understand that the experience of a live, physical show cannot be entirely replicated through a screen, Elton Audio Records (EAR) hopes to keep the music alive despite these circumstances with our online music festival: Virtual Vibe.

Virtual Vibe is an virtual concert that features a large variety of artists from all types of genres. The event will be hosted on May 29th at 12:00 pm EDT via YouTube Live on the Elton Audio Records YouTube channel, and will be fully interactive through YouTube Chat and text-in services. This event is made possible by one of our developing artists under EAR, who had the idea to host a music festival online in order to help those around the world that are negatively affected by the virus. EAR partnered with two other record labels: Generation Wavy and their founder Edward Cai (who is also an artist under the label with the pseudonym IONIKA, and a performer in the Virtual Vibe lineup) and Mad Dragon Music Group (MDMG), a student run record label affiliated with Drexel University. With their combined efforts, they have been relentlessly promoting this event in order to make it as successful as possible. Virtual Vibe has compiled a diverse lineup of artists associated with all three labels and of varying styles of music. With artists that specialize in hip-hop, rap, electronic dance music, pop, rock, and singer-songwriter genres, the music festival caters to all types of audiences and can be enjoyed by any lover of music.

Today more than ever, we need to stay optimistic. Enjoy a whole day of live music starting at 12:00 pm on May 29, 2020. Featuring Emma Dayton Petersen on voi...

The best part about Virtual Vibe is that the event is completely accessible to anyone and is completely free! In order to spread positivity, EAR, Generation Wavy, and MDMG have put in their full efforts and contributions into preparing for this festival, without any expectation of making a profit. Every member of the Virtual Vibe team-including our management teams, press team, promotional staff and of course, the musical artists- are on board with Virtual Vibe for no other motive than the kindness of their hearts wanting to help those deprived from social interactions. We feel that making this event available to everyone is only the right thing to do, and will help to broaden our intended impact. All the more reason to tune into the event on May 29th! 

Why is an event such as Virtual Vibe important to our society and culture? Our main goal for hosting this event is to promote positivity, musical culture, and optimism during these uncertain times. With Virtual Vibe, viewers will be able to experience a full live streamed music festival that features a variety of genres, and can emulate a similar experience to the live concerts and festivals that we all miss. Despite the negative impact that this pandemic has taken on the live music industry, it is still important to keep the emotional value of music alive. Especially during these hard times, music can help heal those that are hurting, and the ability to come together -although remotely- to enjoy a valuable production of art and culture is very important. We hope that Virtual Vibe inspires hope and optimism throughout its viewers. It is our way of reassuring one another that we will be able to persevere through this pandemic, and that music can bring us together as a community despite being isolated from each other. 

Virtual Vibe Online Music Festival Brought to you by Elton Audio Records In association with Mad Dragon Music Group & Generation Wavy

We hope to see everyone tune in to watch Virtual Vibe on May 29th! The event will be running throughout the whole day, so anyone can drop in at a convenient time for them to hear the variety of talent that we have featured during the music festival. Again, it is completely free and we only hope to spread positivity through the promotion of musical culture! If this music festival can raise the spirits of one person, then Virtual Vibe has already fulfilled its goal. 

We encourage you to indicate on the Virtual Vibe Facebook page your intention of going if you do plan to tune it during the event! For more information and to RSVP to the event, please feel free to visit the following link: https://www.eltonaudio.com/virtualvibe 


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